The choice of home appliances is often difficult. For example, which is better to buy - a multifunctional device or a separate printer and scanner?

Let's take a look at the main pros and cons of the devices in order to determine which set of advantages of this office equipment will suit you more.
- Two devices in one do not take up much space on the table.
- MFP connection requires only one port on the PC. This is important for laptops, which usually have few USB ports. Of course, you can purchase a USB hub, but an additional device may be in the way if there is little space on the desk.
But with the repair of MFPs, problems may arise, since most multifunctional devices are quite voluminous and massive, so most likely it will not work to take it to a repair shop in public transport. Moreover, if only a printer or a scanner is out of order, you will have to lose the entire combine during the repair, which is not always convenient.
Actually, the situation here is completely opposite to the previous one - the devices will take up a lot of space on the table and two USB ports when connected to a PC. You will have to install two driver packages, but this package is more mobile. If necessary, even a fragile lady will be able to take the scanner for repair (and a printer, even a laser one, is much easier to transport than its counterpart with a built-in scanner).
It should also be noted that when choosing specific devices, the user may have the following special wishes:
- a specific brand or manufacturer of a printer or scanner, - specific characteristics of the printer or scanner, for example, the need to work with slides, high resolution, the presence of a copier function, etc.
In this case, you will definitely have to select two devices. In other situations, I advise you to weigh the above advantages and disadvantages of devices for the home and make a choice based on a specific situation.