A tablet is a very convenient device that has a number of advantages over other computer equipment. Many new owners of these wonderful devices complain about defects. Therefore, if you decide to purchase planets, you should know what to look for when buying.

Checking the device before turning it on
The first step is to carefully examine the original packaging. There should be no dents or tears on it. This ensures that the device was not damaged in transit and also allows you to ensure that the box has not been opened and that it is a new device that has not been returned by a former user.
Check the package contents of your tablet. The set must necessarily include charging, often a USB cable is attached; Some tablet computers come with a memory card, OTG cable, headphones, a case (at the discretion of the manufacturer). A complete list of components can be found in the attached documentation.
It is advisable to check the operation of the charger so that there is no surprise after coming home. Carefully inspect the tablet body for mechanical damage, scratches, chips, etc. Check if the glass is coming off the case. By lightly squeezing the gum in various places, make sure there is no squeak.
Next, it is worth assessing the health of the screen. While the device is in the off state, take a closer look if there are any lights or light dots on the display. If there are defects, you have every right to demand replacement of the device.
After turning on
Now turn on the device and evaluate the health of the screen matrix. Defective elements on a dark screen will glow white or, conversely, on a light screen - dark. "Broken" pixels are a good reason for replacing a gadget. Turn on the tablet yourself, without the help of the seller.
Be sure to check that the touchscreen has no non-sensitive areas. Launch applications with controls in different areas of the screen.
Turn on one of the pre-installed melodies on the tablet - if the speakers are working, the sound should be loud enough, without rustling and crackling.
If the store has a wireless Wi-Fi network, it makes sense to check the operation of the radio module of your device.
Test your device cameras by taking a few pictures. Make sure there are no blind spots on them. Such defects indicate a malfunction of the photosensitive matrix.
Usually the tablet is ready to use after you take it out of the box. That is, there is already some software available. Please also note that this device is supported by Google Play - older versions of Android OS often fail when accessing the app store.