How to choose a hard drive for your computer? The answer is simple - you need to understand the main characteristics of the HDD, after which you can easily make the right choice.

Step 1
Hard drives (like other technical devices) are selected according to their characteristics. For convenience, it is better to choose HDD on Yandex. Market or in a computer online store, where there is filtering by parameters.

Step 2
Choosing a manufacturer. The top hard drive manufacturers today are Seagate, Kingston, and SanDisk. Hard drives from other companies, including Western Digital, cannot yet boast of the same high quality.

Step 3
Choosing a type. There are only 2 of them: standard and external. The standard disk is designed for installation in a computer or laptop. The external drive is located outside the computer and is connected to it via a USB port.

Step 4
We choose the volume. The standard disc size is 320 GB (about 70 DVD movies), which is enough for most users. If you need a larger disc, keep in mind that professionals never buy the largest discs on the market - new items are always of mediocre quality.

Step 5
Choosing an interface. The hard drive is connected to the computer (or adapter, if the drive is external) using a special interface. It can be one of three types: IDE, SATA-II and SATA-III.
The last two are backward compatible (a SATA-II drive can be connected to a SATA-III connector and vice versa). If you do not have a problem to buy a drive for an old computer that supports only IDE, we recommend choosing a drive with SATA-III.

Step 6
We choose the speed of rotation. There are usually 3 options to choose from: 5400, 7200 and IntelliPower. Between the first two, the operating speed is hardly noticeable, but we do not recommend choosing IntelliPower - this technology has not yet been perfected, so there is no point in using it.

Step 7
Form factor is the size of the disk. 3.5 is the size of standard disks for system units. 2.5”- the size of the reduced drives used in laptops and external HDDs.
That's all. Now choosing a hard drive will not be difficult for you. Enjoy the shopping!