Buying a new computer requires material costs. Since not every one of us owns free funds, the question "Which computer to choose?" rises sharper, since there is no desire to throw away already not extra money.

First of all, decide what you need a computer for. If you need it to work with text editors and mail, then computers with low performance are suitable for you, but if you want to play games, then such a device will not suit you.
The first thing your eye will fall on when choosing a particular model is the case. The computer case does not play a special role, so choose the one that suits you best.
The number of cores affects the overall performance of a computer to a greater extent. Dual-core processors are ideal if you do not place high demands on your computer. In the event that you are engaged in graphics or are an avid gamer, then you definitely need to take a process that has 4 cores. Usually the number of these very cores is indicated in the characteristics. The optimal core frequency is 2, 8-3 GHz, a high frequency is not needed.
Another important parameter worth paying attention to is RAM. Everything is simple here. The less RAM, the more the computer will "slow down" in the event of a serious load. The computer of a gambler must contain at least 16 GB; ordinary users do not need that much RAM.
Those who like to play games that require good resolution are especially chasing after the quality of the video card. The memory of the video card varies from 512 MB to 2 GB. Please note that the video card must support DirectX 11, which is required to support most games. Questions on the support of this program should be clarified with a consultant, because, as a rule, such information is not indicated on the video card.
And the last component of a computer is a hard disk, or to be more precise, its capacity. It is the hard drive that is responsible for the computer's memory. Text documents and photos do not take up much space, 250 GB is enough for them, and games are much heavier. One game can take up as much as 10, or even all 15 GB, in this case you need to focus on hard drives with 500 GB or more memory.
Question: "Which computer should I choose?" - dropped by itself. Based on all this data, you can easily navigate the electronics store and choose exactly what you need, and not what is profitable to sell to a consultant.