Today many users are interested in the question - how to convert avi to mp4. It should be emphasized right away that specialized programs will be needed to carry out this operation. Such utilities are called converters. Now users are given a wide choice between different programs, let's figure out which ones.

There are a huge number of video formats in the world, each of them is good in its own way, some prefer AVI, and some prefer MP4. Regardless of this, the user with the help of special programs can convert AVI to MP4 and vice versa. You just need to know what these programs are and how to use them.
Programs to convert AVI to MP4 online
Below will be analyzed programs for converting video. This procedure is performed in each of them in a similar way, only the interface is different. Knowing the basic parameters, you will learn how to quickly translate various formats into the program you need.
Freemake Video Converter
We'll start with the Freemake Video Converter application. It is one of the most popular converters on the software market, so many users stop at it. So, to convert MP4 to AVI without quality loss, you need to do the following:
- Run the program and add the video you want to transform into it. It is quite simple to do this, just open the folder with the clip in the "Explorer" and drag it with the mouse into the program window.
- As soon as the video is added, you can start choosing the format in which you want to convert it. Choose from the bottom panel "to MP4" or "to AVI".
- A window will appear in which you need to set the conversion parameters. In the "Profile" list, select the desired pattern, and below, specify the folder to save. If you want to perform conversion without loss of quality, then select "Original options".
- Click the "Convert" button.

The video conversion process will start. You need to wait for it to complete, after which you can close the program.
Format Factory
Format Factory is an equally popular application for converting AVI to MP4 and vice versa. It's also easy to use:
- Run the program on your computer.
- In the left pane, under the Video category, select the format you want to convert your video to. For example, MP4.
- A new window will appear in which you need to set the conversion parameters.
- Click the "Add file" button and in the window that appears, go to the folder with the video and select it.
- Now click the "Settings" button.
- In the drop-down list, select the quality of the original video and click "OK".
- After that, you need to return to the main menu of the program and press the "Start" button on the top panel.
The video conversion will start. You can observe the whole process just below the "Start" button. Its duration depends directly on the size of the original file.
Movavi Video Converter
Movavi Video Converter makes converting AVI to MP4 as easy as with other programs:
- Open Movavi Video Converter.
- Select the folder with the video you want to convert in the "Explorer".
- Use the mouse to drag the clip from the "Explorer" into the program window.
- On the bottom panel, select the format to which you want to convert the selected movie just now. For example, MP4.
- Now click on the button in the form of a gear, which is located just below, opposite the line "Output format".
- A window will appear in which you can set additional parameters. Once done, click "OK".
- Now you can start converting by clicking the "Start" button.