When choosing a personal computer, you should pay attention to many parameters. First, you need to find out the purpose of purchasing the device and provide for possible options for its use.

Step 1
Determine the type of personal computer that is right for you. If you plan to use the device in the office, and you absolutely do not need a powerful PC, get a candy bar. This combination of monitor and system unit can significantly save space in the room.
Step 2
If you want to purchase a classic version of a personal computer, proceed with the selection of components. Naturally, you need to start with the selection of the central processor. This is the main device responsible for PC performance.
Step 3
The main characteristic of a CPU is the clock speed of its cores. If you don't want to spend money on a quad-core processor, choose a dual-core device. In this case, the frequency of each of them should not be less than 2.5 GHz.
Step 4
Choose the amount of RAM based on your needs. If you do not plan to run many different applications at the same time, then 2-4 GB of RAM will be enough. Naturally, we are talking about DDR-3 memory modules.
Step 5
Start choosing a video adapter for your computer. If you are not going to run powerful graphics editors or games, get a computer with a built-in video chip. In the event that you prefer discrete graphics cards, choose a device with at least 1 GB of memory. The memory bus width must be equal to or greater than 256 bits.
Step 6
When choosing a case for a system unit, pay attention to the presence of cooling fans and additional devices, such as a card reader. If you are buying a ready-made system unit, and not individual elements, be sure to look inside the case.
Step 7
Make sure you have the correct devices and no visible damage. The quality of the system unit can sometimes be assessed immediately after examining the video adapter. If the computer has a "cut-down" model of a video card that does not have a plastic case and the required number of coolers, refuse to purchase this product.