If you often have to print, scan and copy various documents, you have probably already thought about buying a multifunctional device (MFP). They have gained great popularity due to their convenience - after all, three functions can fit into one piece of equipment at once: copying, printing and scanning. The high demand for MFPs implies the availability of a variety of models in the peripheral market.

Step 1
Determine for yourself what type of printer you need. If you print large volumes of text, it is best to choose a multifunctional device with a monochrome laser printer, since the consumable in the form of powder ink lasts for a long time. If you are going to print color text and images, a color laser printer is best. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that photo printing on laser printers is almost as good as printing on inkjet printers, the issue remains rather controversial. The differences remain, first of all, in color depth and paint durability.
Step 2
If your photo printing requirements are high and you do not print large volumes of text, then get a multifunctional device with an inkjet printer. The technology of applying the image to photographic paper, as well as the use of paints instead of powder inks, make images brighter and more colorful. But inkjet printers are not at all suitable for frequent printing of texts: their productivity is much lower, consumables are more expensive, and the print quality and a laser printer will be quite enough for text.
Step 3
Decide on the price category of the selected product. The cost of a multifunctional device may vary depending on the print quality, speed, manufacturer and country of assembly of the product, the relevance of the model, design and many other parameters. It is best to choose the latest printers, as the release of consumables is limited in time from the date the product is launched on the market. So, an outdated model with good parameters can cost quite cheaply, but cartridges for them may be discontinued in the near future.
Step 4
Pay attention to the country in which the assembly was carried out: often the cost of the goods may include the cost of transporting it from abroad. For these purposes, look through the catalog of goods and price lists of different vendors and carefully read all the aspects affecting price and quality. Many MFPs have additional functions - additional indicators, LCD control panels, the ability to print directly from a flash card, and many others.