Polaroid cameras have gained popularity thanks to proprietary instant photo printing technology. But that was before the widespread adoption of digital technology with computerized image processing technologies in the world, which has recently practically pushed Polaroid out of the market. However, this year the American company introduced two new models of cameras and a photo printing device.

In the summer of 2012, you can already buy new models of Polaroid devices in many stores that sell both photographic equipment and various computers or other digital devices. You can find out about the availability of the model you need in reference services - they are available in a large number of cities in the country, and if you do not have one, call the store in your locality. Large companies and supermarkets of electronic equipment post prices on the Internet - you can also find out there which store you should go to for Polaroid.
If there are no new Polaroid products for sale in the shops of your community or the model that interests you is missing, you can purchase it remotely. The easiest way to do this is through the global network - on the Internet there are several widespread ways to buy and sell a variety of things, including digital devices. For example, you can do this through online stores. The manufacturer's recommended price for the Polaroid Z340E camera in Russia is 11,900 rubles, and when purchasing a device via the Internet, you will have to pay extra for its shipping. Therefore, when choosing an online store, you should familiarize yourself with both the terms of purchase and shipment, and the geographical location of the sender of the camera. In addition to chain stores, you can buy Polaroid through online auctions. Despite the fact that in this case the goods can be delivered from abroad, its price in some cases, even with postage paid, is more favorable than in Russian stores. For example, at Amazon.com you can find a Polaroid Z340 with a 21% discount.
In addition to the Z340E instant camera, the new Polaroid line also includes the Polaroid PIC300 camera, in the creation of which the famous Lady Gaga personally participated in the design. The manufacturer's recommended price for this device is 3190 rubles. And besides them, there is also the Polaroid GL10 - a device that allows you to print images from any other digital cameras using the company's native technology.