Correctly chosen username and password for authorization on the site is a guarantee of security. If you have registered on an entertainment resource, a music forum, then a hacked password is still half the trouble. But if you run the risk of hacking your mailbox or web wallet, then this is already serious and fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Step 1
Come up with a login to enter the site - it should be memorable and not just a set of letters. Often, the login for the site may coincide with the nickname by which other users will recognize you, but in any case it will not be possible to change it. The main function of protecting an account is assigned to a password, so the main requirement for it is reliability.
Step 2
Do not choose passwords containing information about you and your relatives, friends, acquaintances, famous personalities. Hackers have a number of programs that automatically and very quickly sort out possible password variants - a combination of various letters and numbers. What seemed difficult to you (for example, your grandmother's date of birth and her maiden name is 1939sviridova) will turn out to be a mere trifle for a car.
Step 3
Therefore, do not use passwords of the following plan: • first name, last name of the user, any other names of relatives, friends, pets, etc.; • computer term - operating system, program name, etc.; • information about you and your relatives - passport data, address, phone number, car number, etc. • simple one or two syllable words • sequence of characters on the keyboard (numbers or letters in a row) or several identical letters in a row.
Step 4
Choose a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols for your password. Use different registers.
Step 5
Come up with a password, being imaginative: • use a combination of upper and lower case characters - both letters and numbers; • add punctuation and other symbols; • you can use an abbreviation, but not known, but from phrases you have composed - I Love Dim And Only Him (ILDAOH), and add symbols to the existing word, for example% ILDAOH **); • you can write an English word on an English keyboard, but in Russian transliteration: for example, the word "classical" will look like "rkfccbrfk"; • when typing a word you know, press the letter on the right, for example, the word "bookcase" - "npplvsdr". Be creative, and then your personal Internet space will be reliably protected.