Sometimes, while the computer is running, the monitor turns off spontaneously. The reasons for the shutdown may be a technical malfunction of the video card and monitor, or the settings of the operating system.

Operating system settings
Ever since the days of monitors with a cathode-ray tube, it was provided for the automatic shutdown of the screen after a while of inactivity of the system. This was necessary so that the phosphor of the kinescope did not burn out under the influence of electrons. LCD monitors are not subject to burnout, but the screen is dimmed to save energy.
You can change the screen blanking time yourself. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the "Properties" command from the context menu. Go to the "Screensaver" tab and click "Power" in the "Power Saving" section. In the “Display off” drop-down list, specify the time of inactivity after which the monitor will turn off.
technical issues
If the monitor turns off during "heavy" games or when working with 3D graphics, there may be a problem with the video card, especially if small artifacts appear on the screen, such as dead pixels. Disconnect the system unit from the power supply, remove the side panel and carefully remove the video card from the slot. If there is a fan on the card, blow it out with a vacuum cleaner. Wipe the connector of the video card with an eraser to remove oxides. Insert the card gently into the slot and test the monitor operation.
Try replacing the interface cable from the monitor to the system unit - its malfunction can also cause disconnections. Insert the cable firmly, as bad contact can cause trouble. Connect the monitor to the system unit only when the power is off.
Modern video cards consume a lot of electricity. Your PSU may not be able to handle the load, especially if it is over 3 years old. Replace the power supply unit with a more powerful one or check the operation of the video card on another computer with a obviously more powerful power supply unit. Using the Everest program or the like, look at the temperature of the components inside the system unit - perhaps shutdowns occur due to overheating.
Download the new driver from the video card manufacturer's website and install. If the trips persist, try connecting the monitor to another computer to determine the source of the problem.
If the screen fades, try turning on / off the monitor power several times with the Power button. If the image appears, it is possible that the source of the problem in the power circuit is usually a dry or swollen capacitor. This technique will not help if the backlight lamps or the monitor matrix are out of order.