The most unusual look is a computer case made entirely from scratch. But it is inconvenient to manufacture due to the need to accurately observe the dimensions. An intermediate solution is to use a metal frame from a finished case.

Step 1
Take a finished computer case. If a computer is already mounted in it, de-energize it if necessary, and then disassemble it. Save all machine parts, including fasteners.
Step 2
Remove the plastic front panel from the case. Also remove the top metal plate. Leave one unpainted metal frame.
Step 3
Disassemble the front panel. Remove the buttons, LEDs, speaker from it. Usually they are just glued, and it is not difficult to peel them off. But the pushers of the buttons in the new case will have to be made new. Do not unsolder the wires from all these elements.
Step 4
Cut a new front panel from any sheet material. Make the holes for the drives in it exactly the same as in the original. This applies to both their location and size.
Step 5
At the bottom of the new panel, randomly arrange the buttons, LEDs and speaker. The only requirement is that they do not touch the metal frame.
Step 6
Fix the new panel to the frame with screws, nuts and washers. You don't have to hide them - you can, on the contrary, make them eye-catching design elements. If desired, slide the panel away from the case by about a centimeter by fitting all the screws with tubes of the appropriate length.
Step 7
Make the top panel of the case out of any sheet material. Secure it in the same way.
Step 8
Make new side covers in the same way. But fix them in a different way: with self-tapping screws. Screw them into the grooves along which the old side panels slid. True, removing such covers is somewhat more difficult than usual ones: as many as eight self-tapping screws will have to be turned out. And the grooves are somewhat deformed, which may exclude the possibility of reworking the case back to using old covers.
Step 9
Assemble the computer in an updated case in the usual way (including from parts used before disassembly). Make sure it works.