Today's laptops are not an example of quality and are significantly inferior to their older brothers of five years ago. And that is why manufacturers do not want to give a long-term warranty, usually limited to one year. But at the same time, the cost of laptops remains quite high, which does not allow them to be regularly replaced. Therefore, the question arises, what should be done to keep the laptop in working order as long as possible?

It is necessary
Laptop, special padded backpack
Step 1
The most common case when a laptop needs urgent repair is when moisture gets inside the case. Therefore, remember that after getting liquid on a switched off or working laptop, it is necessary to urgently clean it, preferably on the same day. Even if the laptop, after "taking a bath", still works, this does not mean that everything worked out. Corrosion develops and it is this that leads to costly laptop repairs, not short circuits.
Step 2
For modern laptops, such a problem as the failure of the video card is typical. The main reason for this malfunction is the overheating of the video chip, which occurs due to the clogging of the cooling system with dust. This happens because most laptop owners do not carry out preventive cleaning, which is very important. To avoid such a breakdown, it is necessary to clean the cooling system and boards from dust accumulating in them several times a year.
Step 3
A very common malfunction in laptops is the burnout of the south bridge chip on the motherboard. Most often, such a breakdown occurs when a short circuit occurs due to static electricity that accumulates on the connected devices. To prevent this from happening, you just need to avoid touching the metal connector with your hands when connecting USB devices and PC-CARDs.
Step 4
Often notebooks are subject to strong vibration when being transported. This can cause some chip to come off the motherboard, damage the hard drive, and many other unpleasant things also happen. You can neutralize the effects of vibration by simply transporting your laptop in a special padded backpack. By observing these four simple rules, you will be able to reduce the risk of laptop failure, at least several times, and also significantly extend its life.