Laptops have become a part of our lives so that many people cannot imagine a single day of their lives without it. But it needs careful care, without which it can quickly break down. What needs to be done to make the laptop last longer?

When charging the laptop, first connect the charger and then to the mains. Do not connect to a network with unstable voltage or use current rectifiers. Regardless of the laptop model, the battery capacity drops, because all batteries are lithium. Therefore, they do not need to be charged 100 percent, this negatively affects the battery.
Charge preferably at 40 percent and stop charging at 80. Fully charge only twice a month for calibration. Do not overheat or overcool the batteries, normal operating temperature is within +5 +45 degrees. If in frost from the street the laptop was brought into the room, then it is necessary to give it time (20 minutes) for adaptation.
Dust pollution
Dust that settles on the outside of the laptop is noticeable and can be wiped off. It is not visible inside, but it is there too and, getting into the cooling system, leads to overheating. If you do not clean it at least once every six months, then some parts of the laptop may be irreparably damaged.
Moisture ingress
Under no circumstances should moisture get on the laptop. But if a small amount of liquid was still spilled, you must immediately turn off the power, remove the battery, and wipe the keyboard with a dry cloth, then turn the laptop upside down and let it dry, and in no case dry it with a hairdryer. And if the liquid gets in a large volume, then it is better to wipe it as much as possible and take it to a service center.
If the hard drive breaks down, this will make the laptop not only a useless piece of plastic, but also lead to data loss. In order not to lose your files, you need to make copies of everything you need. And by preventing the laptop from vibration and shaking, the likelihood of breakage is minimized.
The most fragile element in a laptop is the display, and it will be damaged by strong physical impact. Therefore, it must be transported only in a closed form, in a case or a special bag. Before closing, remove everything that lies on the bottom (pen, flash drive), so that when you slam it down, do not break the display. To clean it, use a special liquid LCD for monitors.
Cables and connectors are damaged if you sharply pull or hook the 3G modem, charger cable, network cable, or if, without noticing the flash drive, tilt the laptop. Such actions can lead not only to damage to the connectors, but also to the fall of the laptop itself.
SSD drives
By installing an SSD drive, you can achieve not only better laptop performance, but also improve security. This storage device generates less heat. Another plus of the solid-state drive is that when the laptop falls, the likelihood of damage is much less, due to the lack of moving parts in it.
Used laptop
If the laptop has already worked for a long time, then it becomes noticeable how the speed of its performance decreases. To make his life easier, it will be enough to install Linux OS, which requires much less resources to work, which means that the laptop will become more productive.
The main difference between the keyboard of a stationary PC and a laptop is that in the first it is structurally independent of the system unit, while in the second they are combined into one whole. Replacing the keyboard is expensive. And to avoid this, you need to follow simple rules - do not smoke, drink or eat with your laptop.
Summing up
In order for your favorite laptop to last as long as possible, you need to remember that it does not like cold or heat, avoid moisture, do not give in to vibrations, do not eat while sitting at the laptop, be careful and attentive.