Upgrading a computer most often comes down to replacing some of the old components with newer and more powerful ones. As a result, the performance of the equipment increases, and the user gets the opportunity to work with some programs that were previously unavailable to him. However, it is not always appropriate to upgrade your computer yourself: if you make gross mistakes, you can waste your money and even disable existing components.

The variety of computer components is huge, so if you wish, you can assemble both a simple, inexpensive computer, and a powerful machine on which absolutely all modern computer games will run. During the upgrade process, you can also either slightly improve the performance of your computer or maximize its performance. Unfortunately, the wide range of different components has a drawback: it can be very difficult for a layman to choose the right configuration. The fact is that when choosing components, you need to take into account not only their characteristics, but also compatibility with other devices. Otherwise, there is a great risk that you will purchase components that simply will not work together, which means that you will throw your money down the drain.
Consider, by the way, the fact that some devices may have different dimensions. For example, users sometimes decide to install an additional video card in addition to the existing one, but when assembling a computer, they are convinced that it simply does not fit in the system unit and there is no way to install two video cards at once. Do not forget that when upgrading a computer, a weak power supply unit sometimes has to be replaced with a more powerful one.
Having bought everything you need, start assembling the computer. Make sure all wires are disconnected and start replacing old parts with new ones. Ideally, the upgrade process should be combined with cleaning the computer and replacing the thermal paste. Be careful not to damage new components, especially if you are replacing a processor whose feet tend to bend or even break if mishandled. Having completely assembled the computer, turn it on, if necessary, install the drivers and using special programs (for example, AIDA64 is suitable), make sure that all hardware has been detected correctly and is working correctly.