Any memory card or flash drive has a controller, which is an ordinary microcircuit. Such a microcircuit-controller is controlled by the program. If you improperly remove the memory card from your computer or other media, this management program will fail. As a result of such failures, after connecting to a computer, a message may appear stating that there is no space on the disk, or the volume of the card will be determined as zero. Or the memory card is recognized as an unknown device.

Step 1
The first step is to find out the model and manufacturer of the controller microcircuit. This is necessary in order to find special utilities for working with this controller. There are two ways to find out. The first way is to open the flash drive case and read the model name of the controller. This data must be printed on the microcircuit case. The second way is to determine the controller model by special VID (manufacturer ID) and PID (device ID) codes. These codes are hardwired into the controller firmware and are available in any device. There are many programs on the Internet that read these codes.
Step 2
If it was possible to read these codes, then there are great chances that it will be possible to restore the damaged memory card. So, if you read these special codes, then look for the manufacturer for them. There are special databases for these databases. One of them is the iFlash database.
Step 3
When you have determined the manufacturer, then look on the Internet for a service utility for working with this controller microcircuit. As a rule, such a utility can be downloaded freely from the manufacturer's website.
Step 4
After restoring the operation of the controller microcircuit, you can try to pull the data out of memory. To do this, use special data recovery software. In principle, any program will do, but LostFlashFoto is better.
Step 5
If the data is damaged and cannot be recovered, or they are simply no longer needed, it is necessary to test for the presence of bad sectors of the memory card.