How To Cover Up Your Face On Video

How To Cover Up Your Face On Video
How To Cover Up Your Face On Video

When posting a video on the Internet or when showing it in the media, it is sometimes necessary to keep the participants incognito. The easiest way to do this is to “cover up” the face on the video using special programs.


To create the effect of "blurred" faces, you can use different programs, such as MPEG Video Wizard DVD, VirtualDub, Adobe After Effects, Pinnacle, Cyberlink YouCam, Sony Vegas Pro. Of course, each program has its own interface, functions, filters, but the principle of operation is approximately the same. Using the example of the Sony Vegas Pro program, you can imagine a sequence of actions. Open the desired video in the program and create a duplicate. To do this, right-click on the track and select the Duplicate Track option. Then you need to define the boundaries and create a face mask. Find the Event Pan / Crop button on the top panel and open the Pan / Crop dialog, select the "Mask" checkbox. On the left side of the Event Pan / Crop window, activate the pen and start creating the mask. Clicking with the "stylus" on the image, indicate the contours of the face. Then "stretch" the tangents so that the shape of the mask best matches the desired shape. When the mask shape is ready, in the Path heading, select the Mode list and click the Positive button. Now blur the edges of the mask in the way you want, so that it does not catch your eye. To do this, you can use controls such as "Feather%" and Feather type. In order for the blur mask to move within the frame after the face, you need to select keyframes and set the settings for the entire duration of the fragment. Use a keyframe controller for this. As a result, the mask will move across the screen, smoothly following the hidden object. To get the effect of a small mosaic, apply a special module. Press the Event FX button to open it. For example, with Large or Medium templates, you can use the Pixelate module. Try to run the video and see the result.
