What To Do If An Ad In Yandex.Direct Has A "few Impressions" Status

What To Do If An Ad In Yandex.Direct Has A "few Impressions" Status
What To Do If An Ad In Yandex.Direct Has A "few Impressions" Status

Those who use the Yandex. Direct system to popularize their business are faced with a new problem - at the beginning of this year, the system began to automatically remove ads that had few impressions.

What to do if an ad in Yandex. Direct has a status
What to do if an ad in Yandex. Direct has a status

The new status, which is so called ("low impressions") is assigned to those ads or ad groups, the frequency of requests for which is low (users are interested in them about 10 times a month or less). Yandex's behavior is understandable - they do not want to load their resources with campaigns that are not of interest to a wide range of users, but, on the other hand, rare goods or services are also needed and it is at least strange to refuse them.

How the "low impressions" status is assigned

The frequency of impressions is estimated by the Yandex system "Worldstat". The system builds a forecast and on the basis of this forecast is assigned this disappointing status.

How to restore a low impression ad

In this way, Yandex blocks ads or ad groups that users are rarely interested in, but this does not mean that rare goods, services, information will be completely lost. The advertising company can be restored if you follow the recommendations of Yandex representatives and experienced users.

First, analyze your ad campaign and try to combine not only the most accurate low-frequency queries in it. The advertiser's task is to mix requests of different frequency in an ad or ad group in order to overcome the specified threshold of impressions.

Perhaps it will be enough to combine the lowest-frequency phrases into one ad group and they will already gain a minimum of impressions. If this does not happen, try adding a few pieces of mid-frequency requests.

To save on budget, be more careful about competing queries to get impressions on less expensive queries. If your business is seasonal, just try to wait until more requests appear and the status will be cleared automatically.

Also, working with negative keywords more thoroughly will help save budget when adding higher-frequency queries.
