How To Calculate Display Resolution

How To Calculate Display Resolution
How To Calculate Display Resolution

Table of contents:


Display resolution is measured in pixels. In a black and white screen, a pixel consists of one point, in a color screen it consists of three: red, green and blue. Knowing the number of such elements horizontally and vertically, you can calculate their total number, as well as their number per unit of length.

How to calculate display resolution
How to calculate display resolution


Step 1

If the number of horizontal and vertical dots is known, calculate the total display resolution by multiplying them by each other. For example: 1024 * 768 = 786432. That's just under 0.8 megapixel.

Step 2

Resolution is not only absolute, but also relative. In this case, it is expressed in dots per inch. First, use a ruler with divisions to measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the screen. They can relate to each other as 4: 3 or 16: 9. Knowing the diagonal of the screen, you can also find out the dimensions of its sides without measurements - according to the following table:

Step 3

Convert the results to inches for convenience. Then calculate the horizontal and vertical resolution in dots per inch. For example, if the screen has a diagonal of 15 inches, then its width is 13.07 inches, and its height is 7.35. With 1024 horizontal pixels and 768 vertical pixels, the horizontal resolution of this display is 1024/13, 07 = 78. 35 DPI (dot per inch - dots per inch), and vertical - 768/7, 35 = 104, 49 DPI.

Step 4

If there is no data on the diagonal of the display, display a solid white background on its screen, attach a ruler to it (do not press it forcibly so as not to crush the LCD panel), and then look at the screen area along with the ruler in a magnifying glass with a fourfold magnification … Count how many pixels are there in 5 millimeters. Multiply the result by 5.08 to get the dots per inch resolution. Take two such measurements: horizontally and vertically.

Step 5

Remember that when the resolution of the image displayed on the LCD monitor does not match the physical resolution of the sensor, a device called a scaler will automatically scale. The image is processed using a complex algorithm, it is not possible to completely avoid the loss of sharpness. To avoid this, configure the operating system so that the image resolution matches the matrix resolution.
