Working at a computer, you need to think not only about work, but also about your own comfort, health and safety. After all, a long sedentary work in front of him is a test not only for the back, but also for the eyes. Therefore, the correct placement of the screen, keyboard and mouse, as well as the choice of table and chair are very important.

Step 1
The location of the computer is very important for a comfortable and productive work.
If you intend to use your computer intensively, then place it in the quietest place possible, otherwise it will be difficult to concentrate.
The computer should be near an electrical outlet. And if you plan to use the Internet or send faxes, then from the telephone socket too.
Avoid placing your computer in extremely cold, humid, or warm places in your home.
Avoid placing your computer near windows as bright light will strain your eyes.
Step 2
Improper posture while working at a computer is one of the causes of back pain and headaches. You can also start slouching.
Choose a chair that will help you get into the optimal position and allow you to change posture to reduce muscle tension in the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent fatigue. The chair must be stable. If it has armrests, adjust them so that you don't have to hunch over and slouch. The edge of the chair should not press under the knees.
Your feet also need rest - they should be either on the floor or on a stand.
The height of the computer screen should be at eye level. The screen should be at a distance of 60-70 cm from the eyes.
Step 3
Keep your hands comfortable on the keyboard. Make sure they do not rest on the edge of the table. Without a mat, your hands will get more tired due to improper wrist position. with the correct position of the hands, the forearm is parallel to the table surface - this relaxes the hand and relieves tension in the wrists.
Step 4
The mouse should fit your hand. If you are uncomfortable using it, then buy another. A mouse that is too far away or too close can create additional stress on the hands. If you sit too high or too low, your arm will bend unnaturally. This can lead to fatigue and pain.
The mouse should always be clean, because getting dirty, it takes more effort to use. She should move smoothly, without resistance.
Step 5
Long work leads to additional strain on the eyes. Keep your work area well lit. Use a lamp if necessary. Adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor to make your eyes comfortable.
Keep your monitor clean at all times.
Read text on the screen without straining your eyes. If necessary, change the parameters of the document, for example, the scale.