How To Disable Authentication

How To Disable Authentication
How To Disable Authentication

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The fight against unlicensed copies of Windows has been going on for years. Each computer with automatic update enabled receives a special Windows Genuine Advantage routine during the update, which checks the system, and then displays a message that you have an unlicensed version of the operating system. At the same time, the emerging banner constantly interferes with our work.

Authentication notification spoils life for many
Authentication notification spoils life for many


Step 1

First, let's delete the folder with the same malicious program. The folder is called KB905474. It is located in C: / WINDOWS / system32 / KB905474. Opening it, we will see inside the files wgasetup.exe, wganotifypackageinner.exe, wga_eula.txt. So, we need to reboot into safe mode and delete the wgasetup.exe file. You can delete the entire folder.

Step 2

Launch the registry by going to Start -> Run and typing regedit. Alternatively, you can press the key combination Ctrl + Windows. Delete the registry branch with the address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon / Notify / WgaLogon. Now the message that you have an unlicensed copy of Windows XP will no longer appear.

Step 3

We have disabled the message, now we disable the verification process itself. We are looking for the file C: / WINDOWS / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts and add another line in it with the text "", thereby blocking the site. Download the crack that helps us hack the authentication, install it. This will allow us to download software from Microsoft sites without having to enter a license key. Updates for office programs, for the Internet Explorer browser, as well as all possible updates for Windows Vista and Windows 7 will open for us.
