How To Resuscitate A Laptop

How To Resuscitate A Laptop
How To Resuscitate A Laptop

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"Resuscitation" of a laptop means the restoration of its working parameters after unsuccessful firmware, crash, incorrect installation of the operating system, virus attack and a number of other "malfunctions". In order to "reanimate" a laptop, you will need to accurately determine the "source" of its incorrect operation.

Reanimating a laptop is not so easy, you may have to turn to professionals
Reanimating a laptop is not so easy, you may have to turn to professionals


  • driver discs
  • laptop power cord
  • telephone


Step 1

Check if the laptop has power If the laptop does not turn on, it is important to check its power supply. For example, the laptop may have no electrical connection or may have a low battery level.

How to resuscitate a laptop
How to resuscitate a laptop

Step 2

Evaluate the operability of the operating system If the laptop turns on, but the monitor displays a "blue" screen with inscriptions "unknown" to the average user. Most likely, the operating system on the laptop is faulty (this may be the result of a virus attack, incorrect functioning of many programs, and other reasons).

How to resuscitate a laptop
How to resuscitate a laptop

Step 3

Enter the BIOS of the system Often, in order to "reanimate" the computer, you need to enter the BIOS and check all the settings of the operating system.

How to resuscitate a laptop
How to resuscitate a laptop

Step 4

Find the appropriate section. Go to the "Advanced BIOSFeatures" section. It searches for "First BootDevice" and selects the "CDROM" item. These actions are necessary to fix errors in the operating system.

Step 5

Insert into the drive you need to insert a disc with new drivers. Quite "normal" and clear prompts will appear on the screen, following which the system will be reinstalled. Experts advise to immediately install an anti-virus program on the "updated" laptop, which will provide protection for the laptop when you daily visit the Internet.

Step 6

Contact specialists. If you are afraid of committing incorrect actions in the process of resuscitating a laptop, it is better to contact a computer salon or service center in order to diagnose the device and get qualified assistance in troubleshooting. For the same purpose, you can turn to private craftsmen, whose service announcements can always be found both in newspapers and on the Internet, or to friends who are well versed in the work of computers.
