It is common for a person to forget some things, but a forgotten password from network accounts is an unpleasant thing. However, the problem of getting a forgotten password is usually quite simple to solve.

Step 1
Means for recovering a forgotten password, as a rule, are pledged already when registering a mailbox or account on any service. So, when registering a mailbox at most sites, the user is asked to enter a security question and an answer to it. The security question is used to receive a forgotten password if the answer is correct. Typically, the standard security questions are questions like Mother's Maiden Name, Passport Number, or First Car Make, but the question can also be entered by the user, which greatly improves mailbox security.
Step 2
If you have forgotten the password for any account, it can be sent to you by e-mail specified during registration. In order to receive a forgotten password, go to the account password recovery system and enter a valid e-mail. If it matches the address specified during registration, you will be sent a forgotten password, or a link to reset your password, by which you will need to go through and create a new password. When registering mailboxes, you can also specify an additional e-mail, to which the password will be sent if it is lost.
Step 3
You can also get a forgotten password from an account of modern social networks and other services using a mobile phone. To do this, you need to "bind" your number to your account, receive an SMS with a validation code and enter it on the website. Now, if necessary, you can enter your mobile phone number and the forgotten password will come to you in the form of an SMS message.