How To Enter BIOS On Windows 10 In An Asus Laptop

How To Enter BIOS On Windows 10 In An Asus Laptop
How To Enter BIOS On Windows 10 In An Asus Laptop

How to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop and configure it correctly? Unlike stationary system units, mobile computers are not distinguished by a high level of unification. If in the first case, only the Del key is used everywhere to enter, then there may be various options. Let's consider the most common options for entering the basic PC settings.

How to enter BIOS on Windows 10 in an asus laptop
How to enter BIOS on Windows 10 in an asus laptop

What is BIOS?

BIOS is a basic input / output system. It saves the basic settings of the computer (date, time, type of installed processor, size and model of connected drives). That is, the information without which the PC cannot function. In most cases, the default settings are sufficient: the computer boots up and everything is fine. But this approach is not entirely justified. You need to set optimized parameters to reduce load times and use resources more efficiently. Physically, it is a microcircuit with volatile memory that is installed on the motherboard. Its functioning is impossible without a battery. Once the battery is dead, it needs to be replaced on the motherboard. Otherwise, at each boot, you will have to set the necessary values, which is not very convenient. The BIOS is launched on an Asus laptop or a device from any other manufacturer after power is applied. After that, the condition of the equipment is tested. Before starting to load the operating system, you can enter the basic I / O system. During its operation, this cannot be done, since some of its values are used for the full functioning of the OS.

Basic login options

The easiest way to find out how to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop (Asus) is in the user manual that comes with the mobile PC in the kit. This is indicated there. But such documentation is not always available. Then you can try to determine this during the boot process. To do this, after turning on the power, we look at the screen. If the manufacturer's logo appears, then you need to press Esc. On the black screen, you need to find an inscription of the following type: Enter to setup … Instead of ellipsis and the required key or their combination will be indicated. This inscription will be either at the bottom of the screen, or at the top, at the end of the text. Its location depends on the device model. As practice shows, most often this Taiwanese manufacturer uses the following options:

  • F2.
  • Ctrl + F2.
  • Del.

Therefore, if it was not possible to figure out how to enter the BIOS on an Asus laptop in one of the two previously given methods, then you can try to determine this by the selection method. That is, when you first start the mobile PC, we press the first key of them and look at the result. If it did not work out, then we use the combination at the next boot. And finally, we apply the third option. In most cases, one of the three suggested options should definitely work.



The most simple BIOS setup on an Asus laptop can be done as follows. After logging into this system, go to the Exit tab. On it we find the item Load optimized defaults and press "Enter". A request will appear, which must be answered positively. That is, click OK. After that, go to Save and exit setup and press Enter. Next, the usual restart of the laptop will begin. The performed manipulations are enough to significantly speed up the equipment testing process.


Several basic I / O options allow you to speed up the initialization process for a device such as an Asus laptop. In this case, the entrance to the BIOS, as noted earlier, will have to be done several times. Immediately you need to establish the order of choosing a boot device. To do this, go to the Boot menu section. In it, as First Boot, you need to install exactly that hard disk (the PgDn and PgUp or F5 and F6 keys are used, there is always a hint on the right how to perform this manipulation) on which the operating system is physically located. The same parameter is sent before installing it either on a flash drive or on a CD (depending on where this procedure will be performed from). The following boot sources (Second Boot, Third Boot) should be Disabled to avoid confusion. It is recommended to install Other Boot in the same way. Next, you need to disable the display of the logo of the manufacturer of the mobile PC. It can hide important messages about the state of the computer hardware during the testing phase. To do this, go to the Advanced section and find the Logo On item. We also change it to Disabled according to the previously described method. Then we save the changes and restart the laptop. Loading the BIOS on an Asus laptop will then be visible with your own eyes, and not hidden behind the manufacturer's logo.
