How To Create A Drawing On A Computer

How To Create A Drawing On A Computer
How To Create A Drawing On A Computer

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Design work is unthinkable without blueprints. They can be drawn by hand and can be time consuming. This work can be greatly facilitated using specialized computer programs.

How to create a drawing on a computer
How to create a drawing on a computer


Step 1

When creating drawings, you can use different programs, the specific choice depends on what area you work in and what kind of drawing you need. One of the most famous computer-aided design programs is the AutoCAD CAD system. This program allows you to create projects of any complexity, print ready-made drawings. It is suitable for the vast majority of design work, its latest versions support 3D modeling.

Step 2

Despite all the advantages of AutoCAD, in some cases the designer needs more specialized programs. For example, if you want to create a drawing of a yacht, you should look for programs created specifically for this purpose. They will help you quickly and easily prepare the necessary drawings, with their help you can calculate specific shipbuilding tasks - for example, the stability of the future vessel, its draft and trim.

Step 3

For yacht design, you can use the following specialized programs: AutoShip, Rhinoceros, AutoYacht, CATIA, Freeship, CARENE. All of these programs can be found on the Internet. They are best suited for amateur designers, as they are quite easy to learn, allow you to quickly calculate various design options and create working drawings. You can also use a very good 3D-modeling program KOMPAS, which is actively used in various areas of design activity.

Step 4

The SolidWorks automated design system possesses remarkable qualities. It allows you to work with the most complex projects, while the designer gets the opportunity to create solid 3D models of parts and assemblies of the design being developed. It is very pleasant to work in this program, a working drawing is easily created from the finished volumetric part. The advantage of the program is that when you change the layout of units or the sizes of parts, the remaining dimensions are automatically adjusted to the new version, which saves the designer from a lot of tedious work. SolidWorks, along with AutoCAD, is the market leader in automated design systems.
