People have come up with passwords to restrict unwanted access to information by unauthorized persons. However, sometimes the author of a file, archive, library or the user of certain resources can lose, forget their own passwords.

Step 1
Many users use the plugin to automate the filling of the username and password, login to the account. Everyone knows that this data (username and password) is stored somewhere, but not everyone knows where. To extract the password, you can use the unwand utility, distributed free on the Internet.
Step 2
After running the utility, find the Opera profile, and in it - the password file. The utility allows you to view the password or save it to a text file.
Step 3
If we are talking about the need to extract the password to unpack the rar archive, the developers offer pach_password_extractor.exe. The program is paid, its cost is 180 rubles, the effectiveness of the program has not yet been confirmed by real users. According to the developers, the program will allow you to extract a password from a rar archive with the subsequent possibility of entering it to gain access to limited commercial or other information, access to which is restricted by the author.