Building a house in Minecraft is one of the most important tasks. You can build a hut on a tree, and a bungalow to the lake, and a house on the edge of the forest, and even a medieval castle. If almost anyone can cope with a small house, then building a castle in Minecraft is unlikely to work without experience.

Why do you need a castle in Minecraft
In a cube world, you can build a fully automated mechanical dwelling, a beautiful lake house or in the forest, a huge castle for effective warfare.
Naturally, those players who need accommodation to spend the night and then continue their journey, just need to find a cave on the map, and to equip a full-fledged fortress, you need to stock up on a large amount of resources.
A dwelling in a cubic world provides not only a roof over your head, but also helps the player to protect themselves from the aggression of mobs, save property, and wait out the night. Any house can perform these functions, however, by its appearance, one can judge the wealth, imagination, and experience of the player. That is why building a castle is a very tempting option for many Minecraft players.
Pros and cons of building a castle in Minecraft
Castles are usually built of stone and brick. Thanks to this, such a fortress is strong, fire-resistant, and well protected from external aggression.
Castle owners are highly respected by other minecrafters.
Large expenditures of time and resources, difficulties in choosing a good place for construction can be the reason why the player may change his mind about building a castle in Minecraft.
Another danger that the castle is fraught with is the possibility of creepers appearing in its dark basements.
How to build a castle in Minecraft
To make a medieval castle in Minecraft, you need to find a good place. It is desirable that the site is level and protected from all sides. Uplands, forests, islands and rivers will be able to strengthen the protective functions. A map of the area can help you with the choice.
For construction, you need to stock up on a large number of bricks and stones. You will need at least 50 stacks. You can also take red clay bricks or stone half-blocks, which give the structure a light shade of gray. Wool can be used for decorated individual parts with white.
Often, newcomers, seeing other players' fortresses, decide to build the most beautiful and largest castle. However, do not overdo it, otherwise there is a high probability that the construction will never be completed.
To make a castle in Minecraft, you need to break the ground and make a foundation, build walls and towers, a roof, make windows, doors, loopholes.
For construction, you need to make the most of your imagination, you can also take a photo of a real medieval castle as an example. The main thing is not to make stupid mistakes when planning. For example, do not cut through the huge windows at the very bottom, allowing enemies to easily get into the castle. Or not to take the underground passage out of the fortress, forgetting to put a door there. It is also advisable to observe the scale so that other players do not look like lilliputians against the background of your home.