Counter-Strike games have been in demand for over 15 years. Among network shooters, they have no equal in popularity. This game has become one of the most important disciplines of esports, and famous teams and their players are very popular among the entire Counter Strike audience. By following certain rules, you can play just as well and thus be respected, at least among friends.

Patience is rewarded
The game is based on the division of players into two teams - terrorists and special forces (counter-terrorists). For the former, the goal of the game is to plant the bomb, and for the latter, to prevent it. In the allotted 2 and a half minutes, you need to fulfill your goal and, thereby, win.
One of the most common mistakes players make is endlessly trying to plant a bomb while saving on weapons (eco). As a consequence, the team with the best equipment simply kills the least armed opponents. Instead, try to sit in an orderly, well-protected area and wait. The spetsnaz team is lost when there are no terrorists on the horizon and, in its impatience, may come out to meet you prematurely. After eliminating one or two opponents, your team will acquire better weapons and gain an advantage.
The most important rule of playing for a spetsnaz team is the purchase of grenades and control of each of the sections of the map. Throw incendiary or smoke grenades at the first approach of the enemy. If none of the enemy team showed up on the radar, do not lose your guard and do not leave your post. Perhaps the enemy is deliberately taking time to catch them by surprise or waiting for you to run to another part of the map. If the enemy's plans have become clear, hurry up to help your comrades.
Team play
Counter-Strike requires well-coordinated work of players, and therefore, in order to achieve the best result, it is advisable to play only in a permanent team and in the presence of a voice connection between the players. At the same time, team members must be equal to each other and play equally well. If one of the players is lagging behind, then the rest is better to spend time on his additional training.
The key to success in the game is a plan and several pre-developed tactics. If you want to increase the number of victories, do not forget to devote time to analyzing the performance of your team and that of others.
If your team is defeated, you should not swear and look for the guilty ones. This will only lead to the loss of the team spirit and mood for the game.
In the wrong place, at the wrong time
Have you learned how to play as a team and correctly react to enemy moves, but the collisions with the enemy themselves leave much to be desired? When shooting, there are a number of must-know tips that should not be ignored. Your position plays an important role in the success of a firefight in preparation for a clash with the enemy. Do not stand where they can shoot at you from different directions. The best move is to determine, together with the team, the most reliable points when defending a site.
If you play as terrorists, check every nook and cranny one by one when you attack. It is better if this is done by several team members and in the shortest possible time. Finding a lurking opponent in numerical superiority will greatly increase your chances of success.
A slip is worth your life
It is important to keep a cool head in mind when shooting. Many players start to panic and shoot prematurely, thereby losing control of the firefight. Train yourself to shoot in short bursts, observing a certain interval of shots. Do not forget about the optimal distance between you and the enemy. The distance you have to approach the enemy depends on the weapon they choose.
The key to your victory in Counter Strike is keeping calm and forethought. Do not forget that each team member plays a large role in the outcome of the scrum, and pay attention to the distribution of playing positions.