When operating a computer, sometimes it is necessary to use non-standard procedures. For example clearing mbr. But at the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand that such an operation will erase information about partitioning the disk into partitions, i.e. it will be returned to a "clean" state.

Step 1
Clean up the Master Boot Record on the Linux operating system. To do this, start the operating system from the boot disk, if the system itself does not start from the hard disk. Next, go to the terminal, get root rights to be able to change the system settings, enter the command to clear mbr dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / hda bs = 512 count = 1. The master boot record will be cleaned up.
Step 2
Boot the Dos OS from the floppy disk with debug, run it. Next, you need to fill the 512-byte piece of memory with zeros. To do this, enter the following command at the prompt: f 9000: 0, then 200 0. Then enter the command "A".
Step 3
To enter assembler mode and clear the master boot record in the dos operating system, write the code: mov dx, 9000; further mov es, dx; on the next line xor bx, bx; then mov cx, 0001; further mov dx, 0080; further mov ax, 0301; int 13; int 20. Press Enter, exit assembler mode, then click the g button to clear the mbr. Press q to exit debug.
Step 4
Prepare a dos fdisk, make it a boot floppy. Boot from it, run the fdisk / mbr command. Or clean up the mbr sector. This tool is guaranteed to help you, but it will erase all information and remove partitioning from your hard drive.
Step 5
Use the MBRWizard utility for this - it is free, easy to use and has versions for various operating systems. Download this application from the link https://mbrwizard.com/, install it on your computer.
Step 6
Run it with the / wipe = 1 switch to erase the master boot record, and / wipe = 2 to erase the first 63 sectors. This program can perform mbr recovery, deleting the boot record or individual sectors, as well as preempting sectors on the first head.