When buying a CD / DVD drive, you need to check it right away. If this is not done, the drive may become inoperative. among the entire batch of one device, it may turn out that several copies were produced with defects. If you are buying a drive from a friend or from the aftermarket, you can test the drive at home. The check consists of inspecting jumpers, drive ventilation, etc. After finding out the reason, you can judge the culprit of the breakdown.

Checking the performance of the CD / DVD drive
Step 1
Before checking the drive, you need to make sure that the disk on which the new update will be tested is in good working order. The main problem with poor performance of new drives is cables and jumpers. Most often they are the problem. Since the technique is new, then all connections are new, i.e. undeveloped. It may happen that the drive is connected and the Windows operating system does not detect the new device. In this case, you need to check the correct connection of the power cable and IDE cable.
Step 2
If the problem is in the loop itself, it is enough to change only the loop. To check the integrity of a loop, connect another device to this loop, for example, a hard drive. It should be noted that in some cases it is worth connecting the drive to a common cable (IDE-Port 0) that comes from the hard drive.
Step 3
Another connection problem can be incorrect setting of jumpers. On the hard disk, the jumper (jumper) should be in the Master slot, and in the drive - Slave. The location of the slots on the devices is printed on the front of the hard drive or drive.
Step 4
It is also worth checking the fans that supply cold air to the inside of the system unit. If there are no such fans, the drive may not function properly while discs are being written. This will affect the number of damaged discs.