A disk image is intended for storing and transferring information. It is an exact copy of the optical disc and can have the extensions iso and mdf format. It should be noted that the disk image contains less information than the disk itself, which also contains service data of various types. This technology is used if they want to burn the installation files of a game or operating system to a laser disc for further installation on a hard drive.

Step 1
The mdf and iso files are the most popular in this area. However, according to many experts, iso is much better than mdf for many reasons, the main one being the ease of creating an iso image and burning it to an optical disc.
If you want to rename the mdf file to iso, then use programs designed for working with images, such as Nero and Alcohol. Instructions for working with such files can be found on any technical forum that deals with various Internet problems. In a compressed form, it looks like this: select the mdf files, find the menu item or the button "Convert to iso" and click it. Renaming time depends on the size of the mdf file type. Basically, it lasts no more than half an hour. The resulting iso or mdf image can be used at your discretion, both for recording on a laser disk, and for installing various software on the hard disk with it.
Step 2
Such simplicity and practicality of renaming files with the mdf extension allows Internet users to exchange various information data, such as games, films, operating systems, with each other. If you yourself could not rename mdf to iso, then contact your friends or acquaintances who are more advanced in this area for help. They will help you in the shortest possible time to deal with all the nuances and complexities of renaming an mdf file to an iso file.
Step 3
The iso and mdf formats are currently the most popular in the Russian segment of the Internet. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but, in general, they do a good job with their task, which is to copy all the information on the optical disc. If desired, the iso or mdf file can be mounted on a virtual disk or copied back to an optical disk, depending on how you want to use the information on this image.