How To Number Pages In Word

How To Number Pages In Word
How To Number Pages In Word

Often when creating documents in Word, especially voluminous ones, it is required to number the pages. It is inconvenient to do it manually, and there is no need to suffer, because the text editor perfectly copes with this task “on the machine”.

How to number pages in Word
How to number pages in Word

Regular numbering from the first page

It's pretty easy to create a numbered document in Word when the report goes in order from the title page. Click on "insert", on the right side of the panel, select "page number" → "page number format".


Select the desired location of the number on the drop-down panel. The document will be numbered "automatically".

The style and design of numbers on odd and even pages may differ. You can achieve this effect by activating the headers and footers. To get started, go to the "owner" and open the menu items "options" → "different headers and footers for even and odd pages" → "header (footer)".


Next, from the versions suggested by the text editor, select the one you like, and do it separately for the first and second sheets.

How to number in the "Word" from the second page

If you want to number the document from the second page, there may be options:

1. When there is no number on the first page, and the second is numbered with two. Simply put, you need to remove the number from the title page. To do this, take the following steps - double-click at the top or bottom of the page, in the "parameters" check "special header for the first page".


In the "insert" heading, select the header or footer and change it. Erase the unnecessary number corny, use the delete button.

2. When the second page is numbered "1". Do the same as in the first paragraph. Differences in settings, set zero in the "start" column. After these manipulations, close the headers and footers window. As a result, this is what you get - the number of the first page "0" is hidden, and the number "1" flaunts on the second sheet.

How to number a document from page three

You can also number the document from the third page. This is as easy to do as in the first two cases. The point is to break the document into sections. Place the cursor on the last line of the second page and follow the chain "page layout" → "break" → "next page". Place the cursor in the upper or lower corner of the third page, double-click with the right mouse, thereby turning on the header and footer editor and dividing the page into two sections. You will get such a picture.


Go to the insert menu and follow the same path as for simple pagination. This way you can number pages from the fourth, the fifth, and so on. In this case, set any serial number. Delete the numbers of the first sheets manually using the "delete" button.
