Raster graphics are a way of expressing an image as rectangular matrices. Each cell of such a matrix is a colored dot. An element of such a grid is called a pixel.

Step 1
The main area of application of raster graphics is the digitization of images. All computer images are obtained using vector or raster graphics. Modern photo and video cameras immediately create images of raster graphics.
Step 2
Image data has the following characteristics: number of pixels, color depth (number of colors), color space and resolution.
Step 3
There is one major problem with the use of this technology. Bitmap images are large enough. To solve it, they came up with special methods of compressing such files. All files obtained after compression are divided into two types. The first includes images that have not lost their quality after compression. The quality of files of the second type is very different from the original version.
Step 4
The highest image quality is inherent in the.
Step 5
The most common lossless compression file format is BMP. Over 16 million different colors can be used when displaying a BMP image. Each pixel carries up to 24 bits of information.
Step 6
There is also the legacy.
Step 7
The most commonly encountered file format is JPEG. It was developed by C-Cube Microsystems. The main purpose of its use is to store photos with a large color depth. JPEG images take up relatively little space on storage media, which has made it very popular.