Very often, personal computer users have some ideas for improving the functions of the existing software or even creating a completely new software product. These ideas are helped by programming. It is not difficult to learn it. It is enough to study any of the languages that are relevant today, for example, C ++.

- - computer;
- - compiler.
Step 1
Choose the purpose of your program, what functions it will perform, what audience of users it is designed for. Determine what platform your program will run on - perhaps it will be an application for the Windows or Linux operating system, Android or programs for the iPhone, etc. Also decide how your program will differ from other existing ones.
Step 2
Select a compiler program for further work. Download it from the manufacturer's official website and install it on your computer. It is best to immediately select a compiler that works with program windows as well.
Step 3
Design the appearance of the program. If this is your first time doing this, your best bet is to stick with the regular Windows interface. Use standard tools to create it so that the proposed design options help you navigate your own. They can also set properties on objects, which greatly simplifies your task and saves a lot of time.
Step 4
Write a program algorithm. If this is a serious project that works only with files of a special extension, register these files with a specially designed program downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
Step 5
Write a help file, which will contain basic information about the software you have developed, its purpose, differences, principles of operation and a brief instruction.
Step 6
Compile the program into its distribution kit (an archive copy of the program with certain additional features). Please attach an informational text file readme with the program.
Step 7
Test the program for errors. You can do it yourself or with the help of third-party testers. If your program has an interface in English, you can put it on the server for beta testers.