Refilling Xerox cartridges is a laborious process and requires special care due to the special design of the reservoir and drum unit. Load the toner carefully as the cartridge is fragile. Disassemble the device carefully and carefully. Xerox toner cartridge is highly toxic, so avoid direct contact with toner powder.

- - toner;
- - screwdriver;
- - vacuum cleaner;
- - lint-free cloth;
- - hard brush;
- - stationery knife
Step 1
Place the cartridge with the drum unit down and leave the filler plug to the left. Unscrew a few screws. Use a flat screwdriver to pry off the pair of latches that are located on the near part of the case.
Step 2
Open the cover and unscrew 3 self-tapping screws on each side. Remove the side covers, place the charging shaft aside.
Step 3
Remove the blade by unscrewing it with a screwdriver. Remove the drum unit. Carefully wrap it in a rag and set it aside. For Phaser 3110 cartridges, remove the contact spring located at the contact end of the product.
Step 4
Cut the rubber seals and unscrew the two self-tapping screws. Remove the metering blade. The disassembly can be considered complete.
Step 5
Empty the remaining unassembled portion of the toner. Clean all internal parts of the cartridge, preferably with a vacuum cleaner and remove the remaining toner from the shaft using a stiff brush. Vacuum the metering blade gently and then secure it back with the appropriate clips. Lubricate the contact parts with conductive grease and fit the contact spring.
Step 6
Wipe the drum unit with a lint-free cloth; do not touch the photo layer with your fingers. Install the sidewalls of the cartridge by loosening the spring guides.
Step 7
Refueling can be done by pouring toner through the top cover, or you can pour dye into the filling hole using a funnel. You need to load no more than 80-85 grams of toner.
Step 8
Close the filler cap, clean the outer contacts with alcohol. Tilt the cartridge in different directions a couple of times. Toner should not spill out.