Time is money. And the time spent and earned money of people who have to sit at the computer at work often directly depends on their typing speed. However, such wisdom as fast printing can be learned by increasing productivity.

the program "Solo"
Step 1
For those wishing to learn reactive typing, the ten-finger blind typing technique is ideal. Having mastered it, you will be able to type text and watch TV at the same time - you will not need to keep track of which keys your fingers fall on. The essence of this technique is that when typing, all fingers of both hands are involved. The right hand is responsible for the right half of the keyboard, and the left, in turn, for the left. Each finger has its own keys. By pressing the desired letter, the finger returns to its original position. The program "Solo" will help you to learn this technique. In the process of learning, you will practice a set of each letter and the most difficult phrases, gradually acquiring the necessary skills. With daily training, you can reach a typing speed of 600-700 words per minute.
Step 2
Memorize the location of the letters on the keyboard. Look carefully at the top row, read the sequence of letters several times, visualize them. Then take a piece of paper and draw the keys. The same should be done with the rest of the rows. Once you have learned the position of each letter, you will become much faster to find the desired key and type the text.
Step 3
Practice daily. Type the lyrics of poems and songs that you know by heart, ask someone from your family to dictate the lyrics to you. Ideally, after training, you will be able to play songs or audiobooks and type their lyrics, keeping up with the narrator or performer.
Step 4
Desperate extremals can use the following method. Glue, erase or cover all the letters on the keyboard with the corrector. Now start typing. Of course, at first you will experience discomfort, but then you will master the method of blind typing, and the typing speed will increase to 200-250 characters per minute.