More and more recently, computer users have begun to use sfx archives. Most likely, you are already familiar with them, today a lot of software appears on the net in this format. Sfx archive is a self-extracting archive.

7-Zip File Manager software
Step 1
First of all, create a folder that will contain all the files. Launch the 7-Zip File Manager program, use it as a "Explorer" in Windows - find the folder that contains the files to pack with the sfx archive. Select all files in this folder and click the Add button on the toolbar.
Step 2
In the "Add to archive" window that opens, enter the name of the archive, you can leave the name suggested by the program. In the "Archive format" field, specify the value 7z. Leave the compression level at Ultra. Set the compression method to LZMA. If the created archive will never be edited, select the "Continuous block size" item, otherwise set the "By file size" value. Click the OK button.
Step 3
For the created archive, you need to create a configuration file in any text editor. An example of such a file:
;! @ Install @! UTF-8!
GUIMode = "2"
;! @ InstallEnd @!
Step 4
Of course, the first glance at these lines will not tell you anything, but everything is simple here. The first and last lines indicate the beginning and end of the installation (unpacking) operation of the archive. The second line tells the system to unpack the archive without displaying a dialog box. It remains to save the created file. Name the file config.txt and save it in utf-8 encoding.
Step 5
Copy this file to the folder where our archive was created. Also, copy the 7ZSD_LZMA.sfx file to this folder. When all the necessary files have been assembled, run the following command from the command line: COPY / b 7ZSD_LZMA.sfx + config.txt + Primer.7z. Remember to press the Enter key after entering the command. After a while, you will receive the desired sfx archive, which you can run by evaluating the results of your work.
Step 6
The principle of operation of the created archive: when you double-click on the archive, a temporary folder is created into which the files are unpacked. An executable file is launched in the temporary folder. When this file finishes, the temporary folder is automatically deleted.