In order to run any program (it doesn't matter whether you start installing this program or run an already installed one), you need to manipulate certain files. These files are needed for the operating system to start the process of working with the program. If there is no execution option in the file attributes, then the process of launching it will lead to an error. Launching an executable file starts a specific program.

Windows computer
Step 1
When you need to install a program or game from a disc, the first thing you do is insert the disc into your computer's optical drive. After that, as a rule, autorun starts and the "Installation Wizard" opens. Further, according to the prompts of this wizard, you install the game or program on the hard disk of your computer. In this situation, you do not have to personally face the launch of the executable file.
Step 2
But another situation may arise. Suddenly, for example, your optical drive stopped automatically starting discs. Or you have been dropped a game or program from a flash drive. In either case, the installation wizard will not start in automatic mode, and, accordingly, to start you will need to open the executable file. Also, the executable file launches programs already installed on the hard disk.
Step 3
If the automatic launch of the disk did not work, go to "My Computer". Click on the icon of your optical drive with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select "Open". This will take you to the root folder of the drive.
Step 4
In this folder, find files with the.exe extension. If the file extension is not written at the end of the file name itself, then it can be viewed in the properties. To do this, right-click on the file and select Properties from the context menu. Then, on the General tab, find the File Type line. It should say "Application exe". This means that the file is executable. In order to open the executable exe-file, simply double-click on it with the left mouse button. Opening the executable will launch the program.
Step 5
The procedure for opening an executable file from a USB flash drive or computer hard drive is the same. Just go to the root folder of the program, find the exe file and open it.