How To Calculate The Sum Of A Column In Excel

How To Calculate The Sum Of A Column In Excel
How To Calculate The Sum Of A Column In Excel

Perhaps one of the most popular features of Microsoft Excel is addition. The ease of working with Excel in summing values makes a calculator or other ways to add large arrays of values almost useless. An important feature of addition in Excel is that the program provides several ways to do this.

SUM function in Excel
SUM function in Excel

AutoSum in Excel

The fastest and by far the easiest way to withdraw an amount in Excel is the AutoSum service. To use it, you need to select the cells that contain the values that you want to add, as well as the empty cell immediately below them. In the "Formulas" tab, click on the "AutoSum" sign, after which the result of addition appears in an empty cell.

The same method is available in reverse order. In an empty cell where you want to display the result of addition, you need to put the cursor and click on the "AutoSum" sign. After clicking in a cell, a formula with a free summation range is formed. Using the cursor, select a range of cells, the values of which need to be added, and then press Enter.

Cells for addition can also be defined without selection with the cursor. The formula for the sum is: "= SUM (B2: B14)", where the first and last cells of the range are given in brackets. By changing the values of the cells in the Excel table, you can adjust the summation range.

Sum of values for information

Excel not only allows you to sum values for some specific purpose, but also automatically counts the selected cells. Such information can be useful in cases where the task is not related to the summation of numbers, but consists in the need to look at the value of the sum at an intermediate stage. To do this, without resorting to writing a formula, it is enough to select the necessary cells and in the command line of the program at the very bottom of the right-click on the word "Done". In the context menu that opens opposite the "Amount" column, the value of all cells will be displayed.

Simple addition formula in Excel

In cases where the values for addition are scattered throughout the table, you can use a simple addition formula in the Excel table. The formula has the following structure:

= A1 + A7 + C3

To create a formula in a free cell, where the amount should be displayed, put an "equal" sign. Excel automatically responds to this action like a formula. Next, using the mouse, you need to select the cell with the first value, after which the plus sign is placed. Further, all other values are also entered into the formula through the addition sign. After the chain of values has been typed, the Enter button is pressed. The use of this method is justified when adding a small number of numbers.

SUM formula in Excel

Despite the almost automated process of using addition formulas in Excel, it is sometimes easier to write the formula yourself. In any case, their structure must be known in cases where the work is carried out in a document created by another person.

The SUM formula in Excel has the following structure:

= SUM (A1; A7; C3)

When typing a formula yourself, it is important to remember that spaces are not allowed in the structure of the formula, and the sequence of characters must be clear.

Sign ";" serves to define a cell, in turn, the ":" sign sets a range of cells.

An important nuance - when calculating the values of the entire column, you do not need to set the range, scrolling to the end of the document, which has a border of over 1 million values. It is enough to enter a formula with the following values: = SUM (B: B), where the letters represent the column to be calculated.

Excel also allows you to display the sum of all cells in the document without exception. To do this, the formula must be entered in a new tab. Let's say that all the cells whose sums need to be calculated are located on Sheet1, in which case the formula should be written on Sheet2. The structure itself looks like this:

= SUM (Sheet1! 1: 1048576), where the last value is the numeric value of the most recent cell of Sheet1.
