What Are Programming Languages

What Are Programming Languages
What Are Programming Languages

Since the time humanity came up with the first programmable device, more than two thousand programming languages have been created. And every year their number is growing steadily. They help to establish communication between various devices in complex technical equipment.

What are programming languages
What are programming languages

A programming language is a formal sign system that is used when writing computer programs. They obey various rules (lexical, semantic and syntactic) that determine the appearance of the program and the actions that must be performed by the computer. There are a large number of classes of programming languages that are most suitable for the chosen subject area, there are even frankly comic ones. They are called esoteric and are not intended for practical use. For example, there are languages that have a literary syntax (Shakespeare, Chef), languages designed to make it difficult to write code (Malbolge, ALPACA), or with inhuman logic - Var'aq (uses the logic of the Klingon race from the Star Trek movie). And other comic languages. But, in addition to comic, there are a large number of professional ones. The main class that is used at this time are object-oriented languages. This is a high level, which is intended for writing both small programs and large software systems. The main representatives of this class are Java, C #, C ++, Ruby, Python. Logical programming languages should also be noted. They are based on the paradigm of automatic theorem proving and are based on the theory of mathematical logic. The most famous logic programming language is Prolog. It uses first-order predicate logic. Despite the large number of languages created and their functionality, it is always necessary to choose the right tools for creating software products. For example, if you need to implement a client-server application, then, obviously, a logical language is not suitable for this. Therefore, it is necessary to choose exactly the one that is most suitable for solving the task at hand.
