It is not uncommon when playing the online shooter Counter-Strike, you can hear how some players play different sounds using voice chat. Despite the seeming complexity, it is quite easy to play music in CS, you just need to remember a certain order of actions.

Step 1
This operation for playing sounds can be performed using the Half-Life Sound Selector (HLSS) software. To do this, you first need to go to a folder called cstrike (the approximate path to it is as follows - SteamApps / account-name / counter-strike / cstrike). Find the autoexec.cfg file there.
Step 2
Now you need to open it with Notepad and add the following lines to the code:
alias hlss-START "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; + voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP"
alias hlss-STOP "voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START"
alias ToggleWAV "hlss-START"
voice_fadeouttime 0.
Be sure to save your changes.
Step 3
Next, select File → Options. A window will open. There you will need to click Browse. Specify the path to the Cstrike folder, which contains the autoexec.cfg file. Start the game, open the console. Next, you need to enter the following line: bind del "ToggleWav". Here del is a button whose purpose is to stop / start music. Remember that instead of Del, you can specify any other key, for example, F10. Just put it on the line above.
Step 4
Close the console and exit the game. The next thing to do is set up a playlist. Remember that HLSS can only play files with the following parameters: 16bit 8kHz (8000Hz) Mono. Using a special program, convert the mp3 file to wav.
Step 5
After the file is converted, click on the green plus symbol. Then select the desired file, and below specify the key that will be responsible for switching. Set your own hotkey for each melody. The last step is to activate the program. All that remains is to enter the game, select a melody and press the key responsible for its playback.