The laser head is one of the main components of the CD / DVD drive and game consoles. It is designed to read / write information from disks. Breakage can be the result of lens dusting or cloudiness.

working laser head
Step 1
Make sure that the ribbon cable connected to the laser head is working properly, then remove the top cover of the attachment and disassemble the drive to remove the head. If not only the head itself, but also the loop is faulty, remove the drive to replace it. Disconnect it, slide the white latch on the actuator to the right and remove it.
Step 2
Then remove the laser head from the guides, they are held with a special clip. In this case, you need to remember the placement of the adjusting washers in order to avoid problems with their adjustment later. Mark their position with a marker.
Step 3
Remove the clip, disconnect the ribbon, to do this, slide the latches to remove the laser head. Next, you need to replace the faulty head. Install a serviceable head in the reverse order of removal.
Step 4
Adjust the PS2 laser head as needed. First, check its performance. To do this, you need to measure the resistance of the laser coils. Its value should be about 5 ohms, if one of the values is less than 5 ohms, then the head will not read disks. If both values are less than 2 ohms, then the head is completely defective.
Step 5
Adjust the variable resistors if the coils are ok. First, measure its resistance and change the value by a certain amount, test the problem disks. Do not change the value more than 20% of the original.
Step 6
Replace the head in the drive, for this remove the ribbon cable and disconnect the power cable, unscrew the bolts. Lift the drive cover, peel off the fixing sticker. Then remove the magnetic coil. Raise the cover of the disc tray. Remove the tabs on the head guides.
Step 7
Pull the retaining bracket to the side and up at the same time. Disconnect the laser control ribbon cable, lift the control skids, remove the reading head from the tray. After you have replaced the laser, reassemble in the reverse order.