If you need to disassemble a laptop or phone for repair or cleaning, but you find that the Phillips heads have been torn off from the mounting screws, this is not a reason to despair.

It is necessary
- - small screwdriver;
- - Super glue;
- - a soldering iron with a narrow tip;
- - drill and small drill.
Step 1
As a rule, paint is applied to the threads of the smallest screws before tightening to increase the strength of the fastening. Therefore, if the head has not yet been completely torn off, try to heat it with a soldering iron with a thin tip. It is important not to overdo it, because if there are plastic body parts next to the screw, they can be melted to the screw.
After heating, immediately try to unscrew the screw - it should give way more easily. The main thing here is also not to overdo it, so as not to disrupt the thread completely.
Step 2
If the thread is completely ripped off, superglue will help you. Drop some glue into the torn hole in the head and insert a screwdriver into it. Press down on the screwdriver to better connect the screw and screwdriver. Do not wobble the screwdriver while the glue dries!
After waiting for a while (depending on the speed of drying of the glue), carefully, without sudden movements, begin to unscrew the screw, gradually adding force.
You can also try dripping with solder instead of glue, but this is less effective.
Step 3
If all of the above measures did not help, take a drill with a drill, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the screw head. Carefully drill out only the head (!) Of the screw, trying as little as possible to touch the plastic of the part into which the screw is screwed. After you disassemble the laptop (phone), part of the screw will stick out from the bottom of the connection. It can be carefully unscrewed with pliers.
For assembly, instead of the drilled out screw, you must use a new screw with a washer (since the diameter of the hole in the plastic increased after drilling).
Step 4
If the listed methods are not suitable and it is not possible to use the repair shop, but the unit needs to be disassembled, then take the soldering iron again and, constantly heating the screw head, at the same time try to separate the fastened parts (an assistant may be needed). Soon, the internal plastic threads of the housing will heat up and break. The method is bad in that a larger diameter screw is required for reassembly, which is impossible in some cases.