Say what you like, but the global Internet has so deeply entered our life that it is very, very difficult to pull it out of there. After all, everything is possible there - to communicate, correspond and even call. There are also a lot of programs for this. One of the most popular is Mail. Ru Agent.

Step 1
Indeed, one should not be surprised. This discovery has not been living for the first day. Moreover, the majority of users have already appreciated all the advantages of the Internet.
Step 2
It has been possible to make calls over the Internet ever since the Skype program was developed. In addition, it not only provided an audio connection between users, but also, if there was a webcam, it could transmit images. But time is advancing inexorably, new programs appear, old ones are edited, and even such a simple and long-familiar program as Mail. Ru Agent is now also capable of some new functions.
Step 3
Previously, all users could communicate only through the census. Then there were calls, but they were not cheap. After that, there was also a video link.
Step 4
But we should get back to the topic. For free and unimpeded communication through the Agent, you will need a microphone. A communication unit adapted for a computer can be purchased at any computer store. In this case, it will be enough just to insert the microphone jack into the corresponding socket of the computer (by default it is indicated in pink), then press the call button and wait for the interlocutor to receive your call. After that, you can start communicating like through a mobile phone, only for free.
Step 5
If there is no adapted microphone, then you can take a regular one. But given the fact that a simple microphone has a large jack, you will need to buy an adapter from a large to a small one. Otherwise, the microphone will simply not be able to connect to the computer.