In the modern world, in the world of information technology, in an ever-progressing whirlpool of ideas, there is a place for negative consequences, such as dependence on a computer. Nowadays, many people suffer because they are unable to overcome the feeling of inferiority that arises when they do not work at the computer during the day. Of course, everything is not so serious when it comes to checking email or spending two hours on social networks, but what to do for those millions of people who are involved in computer games and do not even leave their homes.

cinema, books, theater, ticket
Step 1
In order to get out of the habit of a computer, it is not at all necessary to throw it away or sell it, although if you have serious problems, then this is in a sense a way out. But it is better to do the following - collect all the wires, put them in separate bags, pack the monitor, system unit, mouse and keyboard. Take your disassembled computer to a good friend. Explain to him that you do not want to be distracted by nonsense, because you have so many unrealized ideas.
Step 2
After that, think carefully about what you want to do for a long time, but you always have no leisure. Take up some kind of sport, not at the level of an amateur, but for real. It will take a lot of your time. Invite the person you like out on a date, go to the movies, bowling, theater. Begin to take an interest in life around you.
Step 3
Get a pet, in caring for it, the days will fly by unnoticed. Take him to trainings and exhibitions for animals, walk with him at least 2 times a day.
Step 4
The surest way to lose your dependence on a computer is to go somewhere on vacation, choose which resort you like - ski or beach, and feel free to hit the road. But it is even better if you go away from civilization, to your grandmother's dacha, where you can walk through the open spaces, eat berries directly from the bush and plant something.
Step 5
If you are not ready for drastic measures, then proceed as follows. Track what resources on the Internet you visit most often. Download a special program from the Internet, where, after installing it, indicate which sites you want to block. As soon as you try to access this resource, the program will lock your computer.