The Windows XP emulator makes it possible to run old programs on computers with a different OS. But in order to set this mode, the processor on the computer must support the hardware virtualization function.

Windows XP Mode
Along with the release of Win 7, a special Win XP mode for the new OS was also announced, the so-called XP Mode (XPM). XPM includes Virtual PC and a complete copy of Win XP SP3. This mode could be obtained for free by all users of the "seven" through a system update. XP Mode was designed for small and medium businesses. Or rather, to make it easier for them to adapt to the transition to the "seven".
The Windows XP emulator is a program for launching an OS and working with it in another OS. For example, you can install such an emulator for Windows 7 (as well as Linux, Mac OS, etc.). In this case, this mode will allow you to run programs that were developed for Windows XP on computers where the "seven" is installed.
Before installing this emulator, you need to make sure that the computer meets the established requirements. To do this, you need to check if hardware virtualization of the computer's CPU is supported. To check, you need to run a special tool that can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.
If the program displays the message "The computer supports hardware virtualization", it means that you can install and run Windows Virtual PC and Win XP mode. If the message "Hardware virtualization is disabled" was received, then the computer supports this function, but it must be enabled in the BIOS. The message that hardware virtualization is not supported by your computer means that you will not be able to install XP Mode on this computer.
How does the Windows XP emulator work?
In order to use the Win XP mode, you need to install Windows Virtual PC - a program that can run virtual operating systems on a computer. The Windows XP emulator can work both as a virtual OS and as a tool for opening old programs in Windows 7.
This mode is launched on the "seven" desktop in a separate window, like other programs, with the only difference - it is a fully functional version of Windows XP. Through this emulator, you can work as with a normal operating system - access physical media (hard disk, DVD drive), install programs, create, modify, save documents, etc.
After installing any program in Win XP mode, it will be displayed both in the list of Win XP programs and in the list of "sevens". Thus, the user will be able to open any program in Windows 7.