Users need computers to accomplish certain tasks. Someone wants to play computer games, someone wants to create texts and process images, someone wants to draw maps and diagrams, maintain databases. For this, there are special software products created by programmers. A programmer is a person who can explain to a computer a task a user needs.

Step 1
Using a set of operations that exist in any programming language, a programmer writes a program containing certain sequences of mathematical and logical actions - algorithms. If you are a programmer, your ultimate goal will be to create a user-friendly application.
Step 2
If you've written a program and it works great, then never optimize it. Even you, the person who wrote it, after a while will not always be able to remember and trace its logic in order to reduce the number of operations performed and optimize the program. There is no sense in optimization. With today's state of the art computing, this will not affect program execution time in any way.
Step 3
For yourself, make it a rule to adhere to a certain style in writing the program, otherwise, after returning from vacation, you may doubt whether the program was written by you. Divide it into logical blocks that are easy to visualize, use tabs rather than spaces to highlight nested blocks. These little things will help you make the source code of the program clear, even for an outsider.
Step 4
Sound effects and an abundance of colors used for decoration also increase the attractiveness of the software product for many users. Accompany the actions that the user performs in the program with sound signals and special effects, decorate it with bright, even incompatible colors, and its success is guaranteed. Advanced users even think that this is what is called a "friendly interface". But here, too, focus on the user. In most cases, it will be sufficient to develop a standard interface for Windows.
Step 5
And try to make your program solve those tasks that are necessary for the user. The programming tools you choose are not as important as the correctness of the algorithms used. Since modern visual programming tools are object-oriented, it makes no sense to write all the algorithms completely, your task is to correctly compose a sequence of certain actions and reactions to certain events. The correct operation of your program is a guarantee that you will part with the user happy with each other.