Often, problems with modern software are caused by viruses - small pieces of malware. Most of the users agree with this. But there is still no consensus on why computer viruses are written.

Popular antivirus programs have thousands of entries in their databases. Where do viruses come from, and even in such quantities, is a very entertaining question. Who writes them and why?
Why viruses are written: versions, myths, reality
The first version is mythical. Supporters of this version argue that viruses are written by the same companies that produce antivirus software in order not to become unemployed. After all, antiviruses will simply not be needed if all the "pests" are overfished and neutralized. And so - create malware, and then anti-virus protection. But this version does not find a single reliable confirmation. Moreover, the risk for the company is too great. If she gets caught hot and really proves that she is creating viruses, then the amount of trouble will be hard to imagine.
The second version is hooligan. According to this version, viruses are written by schoolchildren, students, novice programmers. Their purpose is different. Someone just wants to assert himself, to show in front of his friends how smart he is. Someone is simply engaged in petty theft of passwords and logins, and then lures money for their return. In fact, such viruses are easy to write. Due to the lack of knowledge and experience of the student, they contain a bunch of mistakes and are called "pioneer". Such malware is rarely fully functional and can be easily neutralized by any anti-virus program.
And finally, the third version is commercial. According to this version, malware is created by competent knowledgeable programmers who are well versed in the protection of modern software. And the goal is very commonplace - money, which, as you know, does not smell. It is this malware that is the most common on the Internet right now.
Ways to make unfair profits
One of the ways to get money is a program like winlock (blocking windows). Such a virus blocks the operation of the OS, scares you with a huge banner on the whole screen with the requirement to pay a certain amount to the specified electronic wallet. At the same time, the banner promises instant unblocking in case of payment, but apart from losing money, this will not lead to anything. To get rid of such a virus, you need to scan the system with an antivirus through BIOS and remove it.
Another way is to send spam. "Bad" advertisers pay for sending advertisements with a Trojan program inside. This virus can steal data from e-mail (from which there will then be a spam stream), or it can use IP addresses to register the required number of accounts for advertising.