Convenience and ease of use of the USB interface is well known. Recently, on many computers, even the keyboard and mouse do not have individual connectors, but are connected via USB. This is convenient, but sometimes there are not enough USB slots.

- - screwdriver
- - USB controller for PCI slot
- - USB hub
Step 1
If your computer does not have enough USB ports for connecting peripheral devices, you can increase their number in several ways. When choosing these methods, you need to take into account the configuration of the computer you have.
Step 2
For desktops, we recommend installing an optional USB controller card. These controllers plug into a free PCI slot, they can have several external USB connectors, as well as an internal one. The internal connector can be connected to the USB jack on the front or side of the computer case, to the panel of an in-case card reader, or connected to additional peripheral devices such as a USB sound card.
Step 3
PCI USB controllers are easy to purchase. Their price is approximately 350 rubles. These devices are fully Plug and Play compliant. Sometimes the box with the controller contains a disk with the factory drivers for it, but usually operating systems, starting with Windows XP, recognize such devices themselves and work correctly with them without additional installation.
Step 4
When purchasing USB controllers, be sure to pay attention to which standard this type of USB belongs. Devices targeting the USB 2.0 standard will almost certainly not work with USB 1.0. It should also be noted that devices for the USB 1.2 standard and older are no longer available. But if you need to connect your old favorite camera or player, then you will need the corresponding controller.
Step 5
If you are a laptop owner, purchasing a USB hub is an acceptable solution. A USB hub, or, as it is sometimes called, a USB hub, is a portable external device that connects to the USB port of a computer with a standard cable. There are several USB slots on the body of the splitter, to which you can connect additional devices.
Step 6
The USB hub does not require additional drivers for installation. The prices for them are approximately equal to the prices for internal controllers. The external design of USB hubs is different and sometimes very original.