The serial number is a numerical combination that accompanies a particular product, confirming its authenticity. This number may be needed in the event of a warranty case or to contact the manufacturer for any questions.

What the serial number consists of
The International Serial Number (ISSN) and the rules for its assignment were adopted in 1975 in accordance with the international standard ISO 3297. The coordination of the ISSN assignment process is carried out by 75 specially established National Centers under the leadership of the International Center located in Paris. The International Center is supported by the Government of France and UNESCO. There is no National Center in Russia, therefore the rules for assigning a serial number are regulated by GOST 7.56-2002.
In accordance with international standards, the serial number consists of 8 digits. The last of them is the control number, which is calculated according to a special scheme according to the previous seven and module 11. Transliteration of Cyrillic letters into Latin ones is carried out according to the international standard ISO 9 from 1995.
The serial number is required to accompany the property of publishers and subscription agencies, researchers and scientists, as well as any other patented and licensed products.
How to find your serial number
ISSN is one of the integral parts of the barcode of various products, so you should look for it underneath it. The serial number barcode is usually found in the product information on the packaging. Consumers may need it in case of making a claim to the manufacturer about the quality of the product in order to mark a specific product. Also, packaging with a barcode and ISSN is required for the manufacturer and seller to fulfill their warranty obligations.
The need to use an international serial number often arises for users of various software, since it may be necessary to enter it when installing the corresponding program on a computer. In this case, pay attention to the back of the software CD or to the front of the CD-ROM itself. The serial number barcode is usually located here.
Also try to open the root directory of the drive in the "My Computer" folder and check it for text files that may contain the desired number combination. If you cannot find it, check the manufacturer's website where the software was purchased. As a consumer, you have the right to contact the manufacturer and seller of the product directly and request the provision of the international serial number of the product.