Many of us have thought about upgrading our PC. Random access memory arises in the mind of one of the first, as a representative of the class of the most important elements of the PC. Consider the possibility of increasing it.

Step 1
At the moment, there are many offers in stores for buying ready-made computers in various configurations, depending on performance or price. There are also customization options. But what about RAM? How much do you need, and can you overdo it?
First, decide for what purpose you want to upgrade your computer's RAM. Ready-made configurations, as a rule, were created for a reason, but taking into account the most optimized options for the operation of the machine as a whole. Based on this, consider how much you can raise the amount of RAM in your computer so that it is most efficient. Of course, global modernization is the most effective option, but in this case we are only considering the issue of RAM.

Step 2
It is believed that the more RAM, the better. Do not rush to answer this question unambiguously. Imagine memory cells … well, for example, in the form of ice trays. If you drink iced drinks once a week, then a couple of cubes will be enough for you, and buying an additional mold will not change anything. But if you like noisy companies with cocktails, then, of course, this will be useful for you. It's the same with the RAM. You will feel the difference when you increase its volume, only if the previous volume was not enough. Otherwise, no changes will occur. If you play computer games or use some programs or applications that require large system costs, then for, for example, a dual-core processor of average power, feel free to take 4-6 GB of RAM. There will definitely not be superfluous.
For reference, I will say that there is a lower threshold for RAM in relation to the processor parameters: for example, 512 MB for 1000 MHz and 1024 MB for 2000 MHz, respectively.
The prices for it are low, most likely, such an upgrade will not cost you more than 2000-3000 rubles. It is very democratic, and over time, there have been no significant changes in the ratio between the average price and the optimal volume.